Seminar 23 November 2021 1300-1700
The aim of the RUSI of NSW Major 2021 Seminar is to provide a deliberate ADF related focus to our 2021 Lecture Theme of “Improving Resilience with a Defence and Security Studies Context”, by enabling senior ADF and selected other speakers to provide both an overview of the current situation and, where appropriate, suggestions for action. The video record of the proceedings is split in two. The first segment covers the introduction followed contributions by Australian Defence Force representatives. The second segment covers the input by Australian Industry and Academic representatives. Part 1 - DEFENCE 1 hour, 37 minutes, 22 seconds
Part 2 - INDUSTRY and ACADEMIA 1 hour, 46 minutes, 27 seconds
In Part 1 - DEFENCE, you will hear from: Welcome: President RUSI NSW Professor Michael Hough AM RFD ED Moderator: MAJGEN Paul Irving AM PSM RFD, RUSI NSW Immediate Past President RUSI NSW Formal Opening: Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of NSW Presentations
Panel Session: Q&A In Part 2 - INDUSTRY and ACADEMIA, you will hear from: Moderator: MAJGEN Paul Irving RUSI NSW Immediate Past President RUSI NSW Presentations
Panel Session: Q&A Concluding Comments and Thanks
PO Box 844, DARLINGHURST NSW 1300; Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park South, SYDNEY NSW; Telephone: +61 (0)2 8262 2922; Email: Open 1000h to 1500h Monday to Friday and at other times by appointment (Phone: 8262 2922) GETTING TO THE INSTITUTE The Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies New South Wales Incorporated - ABN 80 724 654 162 |