Completed in 1934, the Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park South, Sydney was built by the people of NSW as a Memorial to the men and women from the State who had died in what was known then as the Great War for Civilisation 1914-18. As part of the commemorations to mark the 100th anniversary of the First World War, the 'Centenary Project' was funded by the Commonwealth and NSW Governments to realise the vision of the Anzac Memorial's original architect, Bruce Dellit, and to introduce new spaces in the Memorial, including a Hall of New South Wales Service, Exhibition Gallery, Library and an Auditorium. The Anzac Memorial now tells the stories of NSW's involvement in all wars and peace-keeping missions and honours all men and women from NSW who have served their country. The extension to the Anzac Memorial was officially opened by His Royal Highness Prince Harry on 20 October 2018 and was opened to members of the public on the Centenary of the Armistice that ended the Great War on 11 November 2018. In late 2018, the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies of New South Wales (RUSI NSW), after many moves since its creation in 1888, moved the Ursula Davidson Library and its office into its new permanent home in the extension of the Anzac Memorial. The Institute is now accessible to members and the public - including the ability for members to borrow from our extensive library. The move of the Institute and its library to the Anzac Memorial allows the development of a joint education and research centre that will enhance the study of defence and security issues in Australia.
After the Move was completed in October 2018, a team of volunteer members catalogued new and donated books; all books were bar coded. The move was not without cost, our thanks to members, philanthropists, commercial and other organisations for donations. Many members were very generous in making donations to the Institute's tax deductible Library Gift Fund you too can help CLICK HERE or use the DONATE button above. |
PO Box 844, DARLINGHURST NSW 1300; Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park South, SYDNEY NSW; Telephone: +61 (0)2 8262 2922; Email: Open 1000h to 1500h Monday to Friday and at other times by appointment (Phone: 8262 2922) GETTING TO THE INSTITUTE © The Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies New South Wales Incorporated - ABN 80 724 654 162 |