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The Royal United Services Institute of New South Wales

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Key dates for your diary are shown below. Lectures are open to Members, their Guests and Visitors. We have a regular programme of monthly lunchtime-lectures covering either current or historical Defence and Security issues. We also occasionally arrange multi-speaker seminars and group visits to sites of Defence interest. (CLICK HERE to review some of our previous presentations.) Each August, Members enjoy our formal Annual Dinner and a convivial lunch is usually held prior to Christmas.

For Lunchtime-Lecture Attendees: Institute for Defence and Security Studies NSW Lectures are usually provided on the last Tuesday of the month. All Lunchtime Lectures are held in the Anzac Memorial Auditorium, Hyde Park South, Liverpool Street, Sydney.

The Memorial is a short walk from Museum Railway Station (CLICK HERE for instructions on how to get to the institute).

The lectures run from 1300 'till 1400. An entry charge of $0 for Members and ADF members in uniform, $15 for Non-Members applies.

For any enquiries, please contact the Office Manager on 8262-2922.

For MONTHLY LECTURES a sandwich lunch may be pre-ordered and purchased for $10.00 (sandwich lunch must be booked by 1700 on the Friday preceding the lecture, please use button below). Sandwiches will be avaliable during our social Hour beginning at 12 noon, during which tea and coffee are also available

Pre-booking and payment including your sandwich lunch for MONTHLY LECTURES is worthwhile as seating is sometimes limited. Please use the button below by 0900 on the day of the lecture, however, do note that lunch orders cannot be made after 1700 on the Friday before the event.


Tuesday 28 January 2025 (Start Time: 1300), Anzac Memorial Auditorium
Hyde Park South, Sydney
Speaker: Fabian Cohnen
Subject: Selected History of the Rhodesian Conflict 1970-79

Tuesday 25 February 2025 (Start Time: 1300), Anzac Memorial Auditorium
Hyde Park South, Sydney
Speaker: General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK AC (Mil) CVO MC (Retd)
Subject: The 25th Anniversary of INTERFET

Tuesday 25 March 2025 (Start Time: 1300), Anzac Memorial Auditorium
Hyde Park South, Sydney
Speaker: To be Confirmed
Subject: To be Confirmed

Please use the button to your left to check out videos of the Institute for Defence and Security Studies NSW's past presentations.

All Institute Educational Events attract
Continuing Professional Education Credits

Institute for Defence and Security Studies NSW Lectures: One hour credit;
Institute for Defence and Security Studies NSW Half Day Seminars: Four hours credit;
Institute for Defence and Security Studies NSW All Day Seminars: Six hours credit.

To obtain a certificate for an educational event you attended please contact our office.

PO Box 844, DARLINGHURST NSW 1300; Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park South, SYDNEY NSW; Telephone: +61 (0)2 8262 2922; Email:
Open 1000h to 1500h Monday to Friday and at other times by appointment (Phone: 8262 2922) GETTING TO THE INSTITUTE
© The Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies New South Wales Incorporated - ABN 80 724 654 162